Новые крови

Подбор пар, наследственность и другие вопросы разведения собак.
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Re: Новые крови

Сообщение Бай » 27 май 2013, 15:20

получается,нельзя идти назад...С ,,чистыми ,,БШО все понятно,а отсюда вытекает,что уж цыетных,тем более нельзя вязать с цветными...и получается,что...суки еще как-то могут учавствовать в племенной работе,а кобели ,уж точно,нет...и этих нельзя,и других тоже...Да,интересный подход...
А вот меня,как владельца сук,интерисовали как раз,кобели...
Но,я думаю,что пока это дойдет до нашего РКФ...пройдет цать лет,и потом...у нас же нет собак ,зарегистрированных как не БШО...
Мои личные темы только для ознакомления.
Прошу в темах нечего не писать и не отвечать.
Все вопросы, тел.8-916-4078354 или на почту monofauna@mail.ru

При знакомстве я всегда вижу в человеке только хорошее. Пока сам человек не докажет обратное.

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Re: Новые крови

Сообщение Bergerbs » 27 май 2013, 15:31

Лиана писал(а):В последней цитате Мария имела ввиду, что нельзя скрещивать чистокровных БШО (три колена полных) и НЕ чистокровных (есть цветные предки в трёх коленах).
Просто 'не' пропало.
Точно замечено - НЕ пропало!!!
Белая Бригада всегда придет на помощь. Только - позови...

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Re: Новые крови

Сообщение Тaтьянa+Влaдимиp » 27 май 2013, 16:41

Bergerbs писал(а): Точно замечено - НЕ пропало!!!
Как и с запятой в мультике :)
Лучше быть хорошим человеком, «ругающимся матом», чем тихой, воспитанной тварью. Фаина Георгиевна Раневская

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Re: Новые крови

Сообщение Тaтьянa+Влaдимиp » 27 май 2013, 18:30

Бай писал(а):получается,нельзя идти назад...С ,,чистыми ,,БШО все понятно,а отсюда вытекает,что уж цыетных,тем более нельзя вязать с цветными...и получается,что...суки еще как-то могут учавствовать в племенной работе,а кобели ,уж точно,нет...и этих нельзя,и других тоже...Да,интересный подход...
А вот меня,как владельца сук,интерисовали как раз,кобели...
Но,я думаю,что пока это дойдет до нашего РКФ...пройдет цать лет,и потом...у нас же нет собак ,зарегистрированных как не БШО...
Раз точного ответа в FCI еще нет, то в РКФ так же нет. Значит "живем как и жили".
Единственный вопрос, может ли как то на эту ситуацию влиять общественность в виде наших НКП и т.д.?
Лучше быть хорошим человеком, «ругающимся матом», чем тихой, воспитанной тварью. Фаина Георгиевна Раневская

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Re: Новые крови

Сообщение Bergerbs » 27 май 2013, 18:38

Не все однозначно в мире клубов БШО... BBI, где сильны французы и австрийцы - ведут себя более толерантно по отношению к "цветным", но из их рядов вышел немецкий НКП во главе с Бортелем, и сила этого клуба, в частности, появляющаяся в численности участников их монок - упала... FBBSI, где "у руля" швейцарский клуб - в последнее время проводит более представительные монки...
Напоминаю всем интересующимся - Инго Бортель приглашен к нам на семинар во время "России". Кто собирается там собак показывать - заходите и на семинар!!!
Белая Бригада всегда придет на помощь. Только - позови...

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Re: Новые крови

Сообщение Бай » 25 июн 2013, 19:44

К сожалению,нас не спросили...
Мои личные темы только для ознакомления.
Прошу в темах нечего не писать и не отвечать.
Все вопросы, тел.8-916-4078354 или на почту monofauna@mail.ru

При знакомстве я всегда вижу в человеке только хорошее. Пока сам человек не докажет обратное.

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Re: Новые крови

Сообщение Sergei72 » 26 июн 2013, 00:10

Так об этом циркуляре речь и шла. Но он не дает ответы на возникшие в ходе обсуждения вопросы.

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Re: Новые крови

Сообщение Лиана » 03 июл 2013, 14:24

Понравился текст на ФБ

For nearly a century, there has been a lot of misinformation, discrimination and controversy surrounding the white German Shepherd Dog. Quite possibly more than any other dog breed in the world. After 60 years, the white dogs were accepted by the FCI (world kennel club) as a breed of their own, but now, the international future and sustainability of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog breed is in serious peril….

The Society for White Shepherds in Switzerland, the GWS (“Gesellschaft Weisse Schäferhunde Schweiz”) proposed that the Kennel Club of Switzerland (SKG) Schweizerischen Kynologischen Gesellschaft) accept the “White Shepherd” as a distinct breed apart from the German Shepherd Dog. This was granted in 1991.

Just like the SV is the German Shepherd Dog breed’s main club in the country of origin, the GWS became the parent club for the White Swiss Shepherd Dog breed in Switzerland.

The FCI recognition of the White Swiss Shepherd breed was accepted based on 8 bloodlines.

The reasoning behind this is unclear, given that the “8 bloodlines” dogs were:

a) registered as white German Shepherd Dogs;

b) closely related to each other;

c) contained coloured German Shepherds in their extended pedigrees;

d) without a doubt, purebred white German Shepherd Dogs, descended from purebred coloured German Shepherd Dogs of full registration.

The 8 Bloodlines that “created” the FCI recognition of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog:

Bloodline 1.
Switzerland: Lobo White Burch (IMP USA)
AKC-registered German Shepherd Dog

Bloodline 2.
Germany: Cindy Von Ronanke
Great grand-father 3 generations back is Lobo White Burch (Bloodline 1). Mother’s side is directly out of AKC-registered white German Shepherd Dogs.

Bloodline 3.
Germany: Beine vom Wolfsgehege
Parents were AKC and CKC registered white German Shepherd Dogs.

Bloodline 4.
Germany: Mona-Kirby von Ronanke
Great grand-father 3 generations back is Lobo White Burch (Bloodline 1). Mother’s line is directly out of AKC-registered white German Shepherd Dogs.

Bloodline 5.
Austria: Wayn Condor von Ronanke (IMP GMY)
Three quarters of the pedigree is from AKC-registered white German Shepherd Dogs and 4 generations back is Lobo White Burch (Bloodline 1).

Bloodline 6.
Germany: Basko of the White Stars
Descended from AKC-registered white German Shepherd Dogs and related to the other 7 bloodlines. 5 generations back is bloodline 1 – Lobo White Burch.

Bloodline 7.
Netherlands: Hoofprint Ocan (IMP USA)
CKC-registered German Shepherd Dog

Bloodline 8.
Germany: Panther vom Wolfsblut
Descended from AKC-registered white German Shepherd Dogs and related to the other 7 bloodlines, as well as bloodline 1 – Lobo White Burch (4 generations back).

The GWS do not make these bloodlines known to the public. Do they simply want to deny the breed’s heritage – the American and Canadian white German Shepherd Dogs?

Further, is it logical to base a breed on only 8 bloodlines – who are already related to each other?

The kennel Clubs in Netherlands, Czech Republic, Austria and Denmark followed Switzerland’s recognition of the breed in 1992, followed by many more countries who began registering their local whites into the breed.

On 4th July 2011, the Breed Standard for the “Berger Blanc Suisse” (White Swiss Shepherd Dog) was officially approved by the FCI (world kennel club). The breed then became eligible for CACIB.

Whites in the USA, Canada and the UK are still registered as German Shepherd Dogs. These dogs also fit the FCI White Swiss Shepherd Dog breed standard and when exported to some European countries, can gain registration as a White Swiss Shepherd Dog.

There are still countries who have not gained recognition of whites into the White Swiss Shepherd Dog breed, such as Australia and New Zealand.

Twelve whites with club pedigrees from Australia have been re-registered as White Swiss Shepherd Dogs when exported to many European countries. One of these dogs, who had a 3 generation all white pedigree was de-registered at the end of June 2013, as part of the GWS campaign.

After such a short time in the breed’s worldwide development, the GWS started a campaign to outlaw and de-register White Swiss Shepherd Dogs descending from white German Shepherd Dogs. Why?

There is no outstanding matter of concern that breeders of White Swiss Shepherd Dogs breed whites to coloured German Shepherd Dogs. Though, the GWS consider it a “cross breeding” when a white German Shepherd Dog (or a dog with white GSD ancestors - who has been re-registered as a White Swiss Shepherd Dog) is bred to a White Swiss Shepherd Dog. Are they not looking at their foundation bloodlines and the DNA and genetic make up of the breed?

Strangely enough, this campaign started when imported and re-registered American dogs and dogs descending from American lineages started beat the dogs in the GWS in the show rings early in 2013. The GWS have publicly degraded these lines on their website.

The GWS refuses to answer to why they are doing this and this screams controversy!

You would assume that the GWS – the parent breed club for the White Swiss Shepherd Dog would promote a wide genetic base and health dogs for the future of the breed.

The GWS are destroying the breed by rejecting dogs from the same ancestry that created the breed in the first place. The GWS is showing no concern for the future sustainability or genetic diversity required in order to preserve it. This lack of concern is infuriating people all around the world.

Following the FCI recognition, the Executive Director of the FCI, Mr Yves De Clercq, stated that it is up to each FCI member country as to the procedure they adopt to register new animals into the “White Swiss Shepherd Dog” breed.

In order to be eligible for registration as a “White Swiss Shepherd Dog”, most countries required the dog to have a 3 all-white generation pedigree. Some countries allow/ed registration of whites as German Shepherd Dogs and also as a separate breed, White Swiss Shepherd Dog or White Shepherd.
Even more interestingly, some countries have registered dogs as White Swiss Shepherd Dogs with German Shepherd Dogs in their pedigree (coloured or white registered German Shepherds).

It is important to note that no matter what the FCI recommends in its circulars, they cannot and do not “force” their member countries to comply with their rules/circulars. There have been no ramifications or penalties imposed on FCI member countries who have not complied with this circular, and have subsequently registered White Swiss Shepherd Dogs with German Shepherd Dogs in its pedigree.

So why are dogs and certain lines being targeted for de-registration by the GWS and why are kennel clubs allowing this to happen?

If strict limitations are put on registration so early in the breed, as discussed above, there will undoubtedly be an increase in health issues within the breed. One of the negative effects of such a strict registration process is there will be an inbreeding depression. With such a phenomenon, the fertility of the breed reduces and ultimately the breed cannot sustain itself.

It seems credible that the incidence of health issues in the White Swiss Shepherd Dog breed will only increase, if culling so many dogs out of the breed is continued.

In such a young breed, most people would consider culling healthy dogs of excellent quality, (who also comply with the FCI White Swiss Shepherd Dog Breed Standard) out of the gene pool nothing short of absurd.

Breeders and fanciers of the White Swiss Shepherd and those who support a worldwide integration and amalgamation of the breed, need to stand up and fight against this discrimination and killing of the breed.

Write to the GWS and demand they cease this activity immediately!


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Re: Новые крови

Сообщение Bergerbs » 04 июл 2013, 17:48

Хорошее письмо. Надо б перевести для всех...
Белая Бригада всегда придет на помощь. Только - позови...

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Re: Новые крови

Сообщение Виталий_Ольга » 05 июл 2013, 05:39

Аль (Айс Бриллиант Идальго)
